Online Writing Mentors and Tutors
Do you have a child who needs extra help with writing?
Is your child a talented writer who would like immediate feedback on their stories?
Would you personally like to become the best writer you can possibly be?
Our Druidawn online writing mentorship program is designed to provide help, encouragement and immediate feedback to students who work best in one-on-one mentorship.
Who is this designed for?
Reluctant writers who struggle getting their ideas onto paper and need to learn special techniques to make writing easier. This includes (if requested) help with grammar, spelling, punctuation, writing mechanics, organization, idea generating, Druidawn gaming and other motivation techniques to help overcome writing reluctance, and many other academic and creative writing skills. We can help students with their homework papers as well as their stories!
People with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia and dysgraphia, who need to find ways to turn their weaknesses into strengths. We have many methods that will not only improve your reading and writing skills, but you'll actually enjoy doing it.
Students who need extra encouragement, advice and tutoring to improve their writing skills
Talented writers who want to challenge themselves to become the best authors they can possibly be
Writers of any age who want feedback from other writers who've been teaching creative writing techniques to young authors for many years.
How does it work?
Just use our contact page to email us of your interest in getting a mentor.
Next, we'll email you back, or possibly call you if you leave a number, to discuss your specific needs.
Our writing mentors all currently have booked schedules, but you can let us know if you'd like to get on our wait list and we'll inform you as soon as we get an opening. The sessions are held over Skype video conferencing, which we have found to be quite good as a medium for working one-on-one with those who are not geographically close. The schedule is entirely flexible to meet your goals and budget.
How much does it cost?
That depends on who you choose to work with. The current rates are:
Miriam Darnell, M.Ed.: $1.00 per minute. Sessions can be 30, 45, 0r 60 minutes.
Cara Allen, BA: $40.00 per 45-minute session.
Spencer Pearman, Eric Silverman, or other degreed mentor: $35.00 per 45-minute session.
Younger mentors are also available at discounted rates.
To inquire about our mentoring and tutoring services, email us at druidawncreations@hotmail.com.